Recommendations and updates from other committees

to Cabinet 8 April 2022



Scrutiny Committee


The committee met on 25 November 2021 to discuss the Dalton Barracks Supplementary Planning Document.  This was the draft document, which at that time was out for public consultation.  The committee welcomed the document and asked questions on affordable housing, education provision safe cycleways and park runs. 


The committee met on 24 March to discuss:

·         The corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 3, 2021/22.  The committee welcomed the report and praised the information given, the level of accountability shown, and the ‘easy read’ introductory paragraphs.  The committee asked whether the community infrastructure levy spending could be included by spend type, amount and area.  In response the committee noted that the performance reporting on the website would provide an overview of performance but would also signpost the public to the various detailed reports, including that on community infrastructure levy spending. 

·         The communications and engagement strategy was supported.  The committee made the following suggestions:

-     The Communications team should inform councillors in advance of any press release on matters specifically affecting their ward;

-     Ask officers to consider training on best practice for councillor communications with residents in their ward;

-     The role of the Communications team should be strengthened with the team having oversight of all communications before they were published;

-     The council needs to know who its audience is and should aim to engage the hardest to reach groups;

-     The public should be encouraged to engage with the council



Joint Audit and Governance Committee


The committee met on 29 March to discuss:

·         The committee approved the statement of accounting policies and noted progress on the 2021/22 statement of accounts

·         The internal audit plan 2022/23 – the committee approved the internal audit plan for 2022/23, which set out planned audits for the year

·         The revised code of conduct was approved for recommendation on to Council in May. 



Climate Emergency Advisory Committee


The Climate Emergency Advisory Committee met on 5 April to discuss:

·         The Environment Act – The committee received and noted a presentation on the latest position and the environmental implications for the council.  Further updates would be presented at future meetings.  There were some comments and questions on how planning net-gain calculations worked and how distance factored into the cost for a developer.  In addition, the committee asked whether the council could establish its own biodiversity bank as part of the process. 

·         The Water Resources South East proposals for futureproofing water supplies – The committee received a presentation on the processes involved in progressing infrastructure development.  The committee sought clarification on how the council could maximise influence at each stage of the process.  The committee noted the presentation and thanked the reporting officer. 

·         The climate themes of the corporate plan performance monitoring report for quarter 3, 2021/22.  The committee welcomed the report and thanked officers and the Cabinet member for their work. 




Democratic Services

8 April 2022